In the Sixth Form we want each student to deepen their understanding of their chosen subjects, of themselves and of their potential to make a difference. We encourage them to study with ambition and enthusiasm, to speak with growing confidence and conviction, and to face the world with a passion to play their part. Sixth Form classes are smaller, attention is individual and lessons increasingly become like university seminars, taught by passionate subject specialists. Whilst maintaining a supportive structure of monitoring and guidance, we gradually devolve greater responsibility for learning to our students in order to equip them with the right skills and disciplines sought by leading universities. Examination courses are supported by fieldwork, theatre visits and study trips, and tutors are on hand to advise on any aspect of academic and personal life.
Our academically robust curriculum offers students subjects which are assessed as either traditional A Levels or BTEC and CTEC courses. Students also have the option to take the rigorous, research-based Extended Project Qualification, which is highly prized by leading universities since it demands a degree of independence and intellectual maturity beyond traditional A Levels. AS Levels are now standalone qualifications and no longer contribute to A Levels. Some subjects may be available to AS Level – students should contact the relevant head of department for more information.