
An important aspect of being a Sixth Form student at Barnard Castle School is the opportunity to develop genuine leadership skills on a daily basis. The School environment brings together children of different ages, characters and behaviours and provides our senior students with a unique opportunity to learn, practise and develop their communication skills and judgement as leaders through experience, as well as being role models for younger pupils.

Complementing our programme of lectures in leadership and management from eminent academics and business leaders, Sixth Formers have many opportunities to take on responsibilities and to lead their peers and, in fact, lead the School. Sixth Formers can be appointed and elected to different roles according to their individual strengths and skills, including peer supporters, mentors, sports captains and prefects. Later on in their Sixth Form life, senior students have further opportunities to work alongside School leaders in the operational management of the School, working collaboratively and displaying the same level of integrity and good judgement that employers want to see.

Sixth Form students can chair and contribute to influential committees, and societies, and direct strategic projects that will have a lasting impact for future generations. Skills of communication, planning, presentation, diplomacy and organisation are all developed through these forums.

Developing confidence and communication skills
Sixth formers have the opportunity to take part in a course that helps them to build self-confidence and develop a range of skills in communication and presentation, the ability to converse well and to understand the subtleties of social interaction. At the end of the course, they host a reception and three-course dinner for guests unknown to them where they put their skills into practice and they receive affirmation for what they’ve learned.