Houses - Prep

From Year 3 onwards, each pupil is appointed to one of the four Prep School Houses:

  • Drake
  • Gilbert
  • Grenville
  • Raleigh

Named after famous Elizabethan explorers, the Houses provide the children with an affiliation beyond their class and year group and help them to develop their sense of identity, pride, loyalty and teamwork. There are many opportunities to represent their House and contribute to its success through a variety of competitions and activities, from art to singing as well as in many sports, leading to the presentation of the House Cup to the winning House at the End of Term Gathering.

From Year 3, the children’s PE kit changes to represent their House colours. At lunchtime, the children sit as a House, helping them get to know pupils across the year groups and furthering their sense of being part of a team.

Each House is led by the following teachers:

  • Drake  – Mr Burgess
  • Gilbert – Mr Killeen
  • Grenville – Mrs Summerson-Brown
  • Raleigh – Mr Joy
“Throughout the school, staff provide highly effective support and guidance for the pupils through a well-structured house system.” Independent Schools Inspectorate