
Children in Prep School benefit from outstanding facilities to support their academic studies and learning, for creative and performing arts, sport, and play. The school has its own dedicated science laboratory and an all-weather sports pitch. Outside areas include a Science Garden, an Outdoor Stage, an allotment, and extensive Forest School area. We are very fortunate in being able to access the school estate, including its acres of sports fields, swimming pool, netball courts, tennis courts and an athletics pitch.

Investment in Science puts the Prep School in the rare position of having a  dedicated laboratory for Chemistry, Biology and Physics. The outstanding facility ensures all children in the school can enjoy the full scientific experience together, carrying out investigations and experiments as full classes and in small groups within their class.

Pupils in Years 1-6 have three Science lessons per week in the lab and also benefit from Science Club as an extra-curricular option. For Year 6 children, the learning is extended even further with access to Science facilities at Senior School.

The Science Garden immediately outside the lab has different areas to ensure year-round multi-science use, including an area for exciting experiments, for instance involving burning, and an outdoor workbench and water supply. There is a sensory garden and planting to attract invertebrates and reflect the ecology of the local area.

Swimming lessons take place weekly in the school’s heated indoor swimming pool for all children at Prep School.

Our well-resourced Library is at the heart of Prep School and is used regularly by the children.