
From their earliest years in Prep School, our children are given many opportunities to perform in front of other pupils, parents and friends. We believe this early yet age appropriate introduction within a supportive and encouraging atmosphere helps to build confidence and self-esteem from a young age.

By the end of their first term in Reception, Pre-Prep children take part in a Nativity, with parts becoming progressively more challenging as they get older. They also perform together in an Easter concert for parents. Children in Years 3 and 4 perform on stage to full houses in a two-night musical production every Lent Term in the Atkinson Hall, with costume, make-up, sound and lighting.

In the Trinity Term, it is the turn of the Year 5 and 6 pupils to produce a musical that is staged in Big School. Costumes, make-up, microphones and a professional sound and lighting system all make this more than just a school play.

In addition, each Prep School class gets to host a whole-school assembly and many children lead prayers or read lessons every Wednesday in Chapel as well as at special services such as Harvest Festival, Founders’ Day and Christmas Carol Services.

“The extra-curricular drama provision of LAMDA lessons is also available to pupils, where they are encouraged to challenge themselves to step outside of their comfort zone and to find their voice.” Independent Schools Inspectorate - 2023