Computing & Digital Learning

As well as following our comprehensive computing curriculum, from coding and programming, to how to use different Microsoft applications, our pupils also develop their digital skills within their other subjects. From Reception to Year 6, pupils have access to 2 banks of laptops and a large bank of iPads. Children are shown effective ways to search the internet and then apply this to their research across the curriculum, this also includes weekly digital homework and takeaway projects, for example pupils may create an interactive quiz for their classmates, make a video to demonstrate their understanding of a topic or consolidate their learning in Mathematics and Spellings for the week.

At the start of each term and throughout, pupils set themselves goals within our unique ‘Apollo’ application. They also use this ground breaking programme to share experiences they have had and are proud of, either in School or at home. Both goal

setting and sharing experiences provide our pupils with the skills to become reflective learners, thinking about what went well and how they can improve further as they continue on their learning journey. Apollo is used by pupils from Year 3 to Year 13 and forms part of the seamless transition when continuing from Prep School into Senior School.

"Younger pupils are skilled in more sophisticated software and Year 6 pupils spoke about their experiences in website design and coding games." Independent Schools Inspectorate - 2023