Boarding Aims and Objectives

This page is for the information of all boarding staff, students, pupils and parents and it states the aims and objectives of boarding at Barnard Castle School.

Whole School Values:

As a happy, purposeful community, Barnard Castle School is based on the following values, which have been at the heart of our education since our inception in 1883:

Community  | Endeavour | Integrity | Enjoyment | Compassion | Duty

Boarding Principles:

Informed by these values, boarding at Barnard Castle School is based on the following principles:

  • The development of the whole person, physically, spiritually, intellectually, morally, socially and emotionally in a supportive and caring community.
  • Mutual respect, which is observed by staff and pupils alike.
  • The right of each pupil to be happy
  • The right of each pupil to be themselves
  • The right of each pupil to feel secure.
  • Equality of opportunities.
  • The right to privacy.

Barnard Castle School is a home from home for boarders and provides supportive links between the School, the boarders and parents.

In addition to addressing boarders’ physical needs and their requirements for security and safety, each House seeks to contribute to its pupils’ development in terms of their confidence, self-esteem and self-awareness.

Boarding Aims and Objectives:

The aims and objectives of each boarding house will differ in practice depending on the age range and circumstance of the house; all however have the common aims to:

  1. To develop the whole person, and prepare each boarder for their future life beyond school.
  1. To develop an open and trusting culture in which boarders are confident that they will be treated with respect, as well as introducing new members of the community with kindness and sensitivity, regardless of age and background.
  1. To create an atmosphere of cooperation, tolerance, kindness, compassion and trust in which any form of bullying cannot flourish.
  1. To provide the conditions for boarders to develop their intellectual talents through well-structured and well-observed prep conditions, with support from Tutors and Houseparents, and in addition to provide an atmosphere conducive to carrying out academic work.
  1. To ensure that boarders are able to develop skills necessary to organise both their academic and extra-curricular lives.
  1. To develop a sense of responsibility for self, others and the environment.
  1. To develop boarders’ qualities of leadership and the ability to work as part of a team, as well as to make a positive contribution to the school, the local community and wider society.
  1. To provide a range of experiences and opportunities under conditions that will encourage the cultural, social and personal development of each boarder. In particular to ensure these opportunities are available at weekends.
  1. To provide a safe environment in which boarders can enjoy growing up, where they know where to turn to should they have concerns.
  1. To encourage supportive relationships between boarders, staff and parents.