How to Apply – Senior School
Applications to Senior School begin with registering an interest, then the completion and submission of an Admissions Registration Form. Early registration is advised.
All communications should be via Registrar, Barnard Castle School, Barnard Castle, Co Durham, DL12 8UN.
Tel: +44 (0)1833 696 030 or email
To proceed with an application we require the following information:
- A completed registration form
- A £108 registration fee or £216 for non-UK residents
- Copies of the pupil’s birth certificate and passport
- Copies of most recent school report
School Entrance Days
Visit the Open Events section of our website for further details relating to our Entrance Days and Examinations all prospective pupils complete. Alternatively, contact or 01833 696030.
Attainment tests in:
A comprehension test and a written test lasting 60 minutes in total.
A competency test lasting 60 minutes for Year 7 applicants, 30 minutes for Year 8-10 applicants.
And for Year 8-10 applicants:
A Computer Adaptive baseline test (MidYIS/Yellis) lasting 45 minutes, divided into verbal, numerical and perceptual sections
The award of places is also linked to the following:
- Previous school’s report
- Existing interests and activities
- The desire to join Barnard Castle School.
Results of Entrance Exams are confidential to the school. Offers of places are normally sent by letter within ten days of sitting the exams. The school uses the Entrance Exam results to determine whether the candidate is able to access the curriculum appropriately and whether the school can meet the candidates’ educational needs.
Those candidates who are unable to sit the school Entrance Exam can be examined at another mutually convenient time in the academic year.
Prospective parents should be aware the school has a range of important policy documents to share with current parents, pupils and staff. These include policies on child protection, counter-bullying including cyber-bullying, the complaints’ procedure, and the rewards and sanctions procedures. These are available on request and to download from the website.