Barney Friends Prep School
Barney Friends is the parents’ group for families of children at Prep School. Our main function is to be a place where parents can meet, chat, share and get to know one another informally. It’s a great way to keep up to date with what’s happening in school and to seek the advice of other parents should you need it. We have an informal committee and we hold regular meetings at the Prep School.
In order to involve as many parents as possible in school activities, we organise a number of events throughout the year, at different times and to appeal to different tastes. We also support school events, such as sports days where we run very popular tea and cake stalls with produce kindly donated by parents.
Most Barney Friends’ events are free to attend; some have a small charge, or we ask for donations. All profits go towards our end of year fund, which is shared between local charities and equipment to benefit children in Prep School. Past events have included a biennial ball, a family ceilidh, parents’ quiz night, Christmas lunch, Dengineering and Bat, Ball and Bike activity day.
Meetings and events are advertised in the weekly school newsletter and on the Barney Friends’ noticeboard near the Prep School kitchen. We also have a Facebook group, Friends of Barney Prep School.
If you’d like more information about Barney Friends, please feel free to contact one of the committee members or a Barney Friends member in your child’s class.
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