Barney Friends Senior School

Welcome to Barney Friends Senior School.

What do we do?
Barney Friends is keen to ensure that there is a vibrant community friends within the Senior School. Our purpose is to:-

  • Provide a network of support to each other
  • Organise social events where we can meet one another
  • Develop useful services such as the Second Hand Uniform and Equipment Shop

Past events have included a Michaelmas Fair, New Mums’ Dinner, Christmas Lunch, a quiz night, wine tasting evening, and refreshments at Sports Day and various sporting fixtures.

When do we meet?
We meet several times a term – meeting dates in published in the school calendar – at school, followed by coffee in town for those who can stay. Any parent is welcome to attend either or both sessions. It is a great way to meet other parents, make new friends, and new ideas are always welcome.

How can you be involved?
We are always keen for help, on an ad hoc basis, with social events or on refreshment stalls or by getting involved right through the planning process.

If you would like to be involved in Barney Friends Senior School but are not able to make the meetings, then please contact and we will make sure that you are included in any information that is circulated.

You can also become part of the Barney Friends  Facebook Group, a great way to stay in touch and find out information.