A Tradition of Giving

Founded through endowment funds granted by the Flounders and St John’s Hospital Foundations, and with supplementary funding from the counties of Northumberland, Durham and North Riding, the North Eastern County School – as we were originally known – has been an important landmark in the Teesdale landscape since 1883 and shaped the lives of thousands of pupils.

In the past, all capital developments have been funded from school fees, the generosity of committed benefactors and appeals. Over the years, alumni, families and friends of Barnard Castle School have continued to provide invaluable and much needed support, giving generously to the provision of pupil bursaries, as well as ambitious capital projects that have seen continuous development in our facilities and opportunities for our boys and girls.

The transformative impact of giving is all around us. Generous gifts helped build our school Chapel, establish our fitness suite, erect new science blocks, refurbish our boarding houses, create specialist classrooms, give an identity to our sporting trophies and support boys and girls through times of unforeseen hardship as well as exceptional scholarship. Our on-going aim is to support our boys and girls to exceed their potential and the continued support of our alumni and friends in achieving this is greatly appreciated.

“..that man is richest, who, having perfected the functions of his own life to the utmost, has also the widest helpful influence, both personal, and by means of his possessions, over the lives of others.” John Ruskin, 1860

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Year 6 Tourism Fair

Globetrotting Preppies ‘travelled around the world’ yesterday as Year 6 hosted their annual Tourism Fair! It was ...
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