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Exercise Merlin Manoeuvre

07 Oct 2024

Congratulations to both Barney teams who put their heart and soul into this Brigade competition, held at Catterick Garrison during October. The 10 strength teams deployed to the area straight after school on Friday and had to build their bashas in a linear harbour area before being given a set of orders, notifying them of what they would be doing over the course of the two days.

It was an early start on the Saturday morning, and after a quick ration pack breakfast, the teams spent the day completing a number of stands, all based around the military syllabus that they are taught throughout the year. Stands included first aid, navigation, STEM challenges, command tasks, paintballing, weapon identification and a defensive stalk. Teams were marked on their responsive knowledge as well as how well they worked as a team and how well the section commanders lead and organised their teams. The sections commanders, cadet CSM Archie Pepper and sergeant Rosalie Archer did a sterling job throughout the day and kept team spirits high. As darkness fell, teams were given a new set of orders and their mission was to carry out a recce of a nearby fob to gain as much intelligence as they could. The sections stealthily set off and as flares, schmoolies and flashlights lit up the sky, they used the woods and dead ground to get as close as they could to the enemy force. Intelligence was gained within the one hour time frame before they headed back to their harbour area to write their patrol report.

Sunday saw the more physical side of the competition, with both teams starting with the enforced march and shoot. Carrying their webbing and weapons, the teams had to navigate around a course against all the other teams, coming under contact by enemy forces, so quick decisions had to be made to fight through. The teams showed great grit and determination which saw great performances and fast times from both our teams. After an air rifle shoot, the teams deployed to Wathgill ranges, where they carried out the final element of the competition – two shooting details from the 200m firing point.

Out of 30 ACF and CCF teams who competed, Barnard Castle A team came a respectable 4th and Barnard Castle B team 5th place. Everyone who took part should be extremely proud of their achievements throughout weekend, and I couldn’t be any prouder.

Lt Col C E Connor