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EPQ Celebration Evening

25 Jan 2023

We thoroughly enjoyed hosting our Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) Celebration Evening last night, welcoming parents and pupils to hear first-hand about several of our students’ fascinating projects.

It was the first time since 2019/2020 that we had been able to stage such an occasion, and it certainly was worth the wait.

In all, four Upper Sixth students presented their findings to a packed Big School, explaining the reasoning behind their projects, any challenges they found throughout, their findings/conclusions and advice for their peers who are considering taking an EPQ.

An EPQ is an A-level standard standalone qualification designed to extend and develop students’ abilities beyond the A-level syllabus and prepare for university or their future career. It allows students to lead their own projects, planning and carrying out research on a topic that they have chosen and is not covered by their other qualifications.

Starting proceedings, Lilly P explored her passion for music festivals and the environment by producing research into the sustainability of discarded items and goods following festivals, specifically Leeds Festival.

Next, Emma H, who hopes to embark upon a career in medicine, delivered an insightful research project on Body Mass Index (BMI) and its relevance among medical professionals when assessing patients’ health and weight.

Lily W, in the penultimate presentation, spoke about her project that focused on her passion of game shooting and the threats the industry is facing, because of legislative changes and opposition from certain groups and organisations.

Rounding off a wonderful evening, Ben T, an avid Saxophonist, discussed his own unique research into the physiological reactions of music, specifically ‘chills’, that someone can experience when listening to music.

Well done to all speakers, who delivered amazing presentations and deserve every success in their EPQs.

Our thanks to Mr Forsyth, Head of EPQ at Barney, for his efforts supporting our students and for organising the event. Similarly, we would like to thank all EPQ supervisors for their continued enthusiasm. Last, but certainly not least, many thanks to Barney’s Events, Catering and Maintenance staff for delivering such an amazing spectacle, with a special mention for Mr Dawson, who serenaded guests over the course of the evening!