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Year 6 Valedictory Service – Once a Preppie, always a Preppie

29 Jun 2023

Beautifully concluding their Prep School journeys, we observed a lovely Valedictory Service for Year 6 this evening.

Sadly, owing to a sickness bug among Year 6 pupils, we couldn’t be joined by several pupils, but in true Barney fashion, we persevered and continued with the service, while recording it for those unable to attend, but who were with us in spirit.

Nevertheless, we heard wonderful readings and a superb, poignant song delivered by those Preppies in attendance about their time at Prep School.

We wish our outgoing Year 6 all the very best and a smooth transition as they move on to Senior School in September.

Once a Preppie, always a Preppie.